Monday, August 15, 2011


Our Anne-girl started Kindergarten today!!! It was a big day for all of us. Anne jumped out of bed this morning ready to go. Her enthusiasm level was even higher than normal. =) We started out in the sanctuary for assembly, then each teacher took their class down to the rooms. Anne was so excited to go with her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Cox. I admit that I teared up--is she really old enough to be doing this??? Brent handled it like a man, although I think I saw his eyes glistening a bit. =)

We are excited for this opportunity for our Anne. Poor Lydia kept asking if we would ask Mrs. Cox to let her come, too! Joy just kept shrieking Anne's name long after she left the sanctuary. What are these 3 sisters going to do now with one of them gone? Well, fortunately, it's only 3 mornings a week!

All the girls got to celebrate the big day together, though. We made our way to Chick-Fil-A for a celebratory lunch afterwards!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Anne looks adorable in her uniform! We are so proud of her!