Friday, October 09, 2009

Shepherding Conference with John Piper

Brent and our TRC intern, Steve, were able to attend a shepherding conference in Bonn, Germany this weekend. John Piper was the main speaker. After talking with Brent on the phone this morning, it sounds like it's been an amazing time, so far!


Paul Adams said...

You lucky dog! I will bet that was a great conference, and you even were able to talk to John Piper - with pictures to prove it! We sure do enjoy reading your blog. Remember that we miss you and are praying for you.

-- Paul and Beth Adams

Michelle Smith said...

can't wait to show this to jillian :) you didn't get to go?

Susan said...

It is a privilege to get to go to the conference and a bonus to get to meet John Piper! We can't wait to hear about it.

Zealot4Christ said...

Thank you all for allowing a brother to go. God bless you both.