Saturday, July 25, 2009

Flea Market Finds

The girls and I trekked over to our town's flea market today. It was a big day for a couple reasons. First, it was my first time out alone with all three girls. Anne and Lydia loaded up in the double stroller, while Joy snuggled with me in the baby carrier. Secondly, I came away with a few treasures (in my opinion, at least!). The picture above is of the fruit salad bowls, oil/vinegar holder, and aperitif glasses I picked up. The glasses and oil/vinegar I-don't-know-exactly-what- you-call-it are Nachtman crystal, which is the finest crystal in Germany. I'd had my eye on the aperitif glasses since my last visit, and today was given a great deal on them so I couldn't resist. We bought some Limoncello to serve in them tomorrow after Sunday lunch with company--I'm excited!

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